Sahem: Volunteering App for Jordan
Timeline: Q1 2023
Role: Researcher & UX/UI Designer
Client: Sahem (Speculative)
Tools: Figma, Adobe Illustrator

Finding volunteer opportunities in Jordan can be a frustrating process, involving various web searches and checking numerous websites. A lot of people who want to help don’t know where to start.
Currently, nahno.com is the only available platform in Jordan linking individuals with volunteering initiatives, but it has a limited reach and primarily caters to school and university students, leaving a significant gap for a more comprehensive solution.
Problem Statement
The absence of a user-friendly, centralized, and widely accessible volunteering platform in Jordan leads individuals aged 18 and over to rely on time-consuming or ineffective channels such as WhatsApp groups, Facebook groups, or personal connections to search for and apply to opportunities and connect with different initiatives in their areas. Additionally, those who turn to NAHNO encounter a UI/UX experience.
This reliance on fragmented channels not only proves time-consuming but also poses several challenges. Users are required to find methods to inquire about various opportunities, and then navigate separate ways to apply, often encountering issues such as expired listings or lack of available spots.
This research will focus solely on designing a solution for volunteers - other stakeholders such as organizations will not be looked into.

A platform that streamlines the process of looking for and applying for volunteering opportunities in Jordan will make it easier for potential volunteers to participate and potentially increase engagement in Jordan.
MVP mobile application that streamlines the process of finding and applying to volunteer opportunities in Jordan, making volunteering accessible to everyone.
Competitive analysis
Considering there is only one direct competitor in Jordan, nahno.com, I expanded my research to include apps from other geographical locations for benchmarking and design inspiration.

Particularly for opportunities outside of Amman, female volunteers experience a heightened sense of safety when they possess information about other attendees prior to volunteering.
Volunteers actively search for opportunities that align with their interests and accommodate their schedules.
volunteers thoroughly assess their reliability before applying.
Clear communication of expectations and goals of the role is highly valued by volunteers.
Motivating volunteers to sustain their involvement, showing appreciation and presenting potential professional opportunities prove effective.
Users need reminders of the event’s details prior to the event and timely updates of any changes to it.
User Interviews
Who did I interview?
Individuals with previous volunteering experience, some of whom have used NAHNO and others have not.
I asked questions about
The information they look for when choosing a volunteering opportunity
What they found most difficult about looking for previous opportunities
Previous volunteering experiences, and using NAHNO (if applicable)
Through thematic analysis, I was able to extract the below key insights that will guide the design of the app.

The below user persona was developed to guide future design decisions.

Using the competitor analysis and interview insights, I was able to map out the current user journey map which clarifies how current potential volunteers find opportunities in Jordan, assuming they end up using NAHNO as opposed to other channels.

Following the user journey map, I created a feature prioritization table to highlight what feature to focus on for the MVP, and noted others for future development phases.

Following the user journey map, I created a feature prioritization table to highlight what feature to focus on for the MVP, and noted others for future development phases.


User Flow
I created the below user flow in Ryan Singer’s style
